Friday, December 4, 2020

Plant Piracy

 UPDATE: 12.24.2020 - below are photos of the plants that were switched our for the the Chicago Edible Fig tree and the Olive Tree - Tree of Peace trees that I purchased. What did you think i would toss them? No, these are just as much a part of nature as the oak trees in my yard. I received them on December 04, 2020 and this is how they look after 20 days of care.

I keep them under my grow light center. I still don’t know what they are, but a weekly dose of regular miracle grow and regular misting, and it is easy their improvement. I only thing I know for sure is that they are woody plants. Therefore, it is be interesting to see just what they grow up to be.

UPDATE: 12.08.2020 - Seller did not honor their word to make this matter with order my right as they stated. However, there was no lost to me as Amazon A-Z guarantee program has granted me a refund of the $51.95 that I paid for the four plants.

Be careful when ordering live plants online, things can go wrong, either on the sellers end, or with the shipping carriers. At this point I will probably never know who, when and where my order went sour. However, I am glad I had a safe guard and could recover my funds.

UPDATE: The company that I purchased my trees and who I have let nameless here has decided to make my order right. While this process is ongoing, let me share the reasons for my choice of these plants. This is a copy of an entry from my journal,

"How My Garden Grows, or Not, Sic


The Life and Cultivation of My Little Garden"


12/04/2020 – On November 28, 2020, I bought a couple of Chicago Edible Figs trees that are cold hardy that do well in warmer semi-tropical areas, like Florida and the Mediterranean. With them I also bought a pair of Olive Tree - Tree of Peace trees.

While the Chicago Edible Fig trees are fast growers that can be maintained at six feet of the its thirty foot height in nature, they do well even in containers; the Olive Tree - Tree of Peace are slow grower that can be maintained indoor as well as out in the garden. I am looking forward to these two trees.
-- Widescreen Online Review Plus

Native to the Northern US, these figs trees produce medium sized fruits with a brown to purple color. It produces fruits in the summer that are known for their delicious flavor. They are dormant in the winter in the north.

What does the Fig tree symbolize in the Bible?

·         The fig tree is the third tree to be mentioned by name in the Hebrew Bible. The first is the Tree of life and the second is the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve used the leaves of the fig tree to sew garments for themselves after they ate the "fruit of the Tree of knowledge" (Genesis 2:16–17), when they realized that they were naked (Genesis 3:7).

Read Jesus’ parable of the fig tree:

·         “And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground?’ And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down” (Luke 13:6-9).

Here Jesus is seeking repentance from Israel before their final judgment. However, in these modern times, it can also mean the continuation of nurturing, encouraging a person or people, or the single mined drive of completing a person life goal(s). This also can go along with the religious view of "right living" under Jesus parable. -- Widescreen Online Review Plus

Olive Tree - Tree of Peace - Olea europaea

Hardy in zones 8-11. In cooler regions grow as a Patio Plant or House Plant! Makes a very unusual bonsai! The olive is native to the Mediterranean region, tropical and central Asia and various parts of Africa. The olive has a history almost as long as that of Western civilization, it's development being one of civilized man's first accomplishments.

Questions and annotates about Olive Tree - Tree of Peace:

Why an olive tree is considered a Peace Tree?

·         This was seen as a sign that God had stopped his war on mankind, the flood was receding, and land was in sight. According to some, an olive branch signifies peace because olive trees, because of their slow growth, are not cultivated during war time and therefore considered as peace-time trees.

What is the promise of the olive tree?

·         The olive tree was alive and growing. The promise of the dove’s olive branch was a new beginning for humanity, peace and reconciliation with God, renewal, and revival. The slow and hearty growth of the olive tree also implies establishment and peace.

What does the olive tree symbolize in the Bible?

·         The slow and hearty growth of the olive tree also implies establishment and peace. Some of the oldest olive trees in the world still grow today in the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. The flowering olive tree is a symbol of beauty and abundance in the Bible.

The fruit of the Chicago Edible Fig tree will a nice addition of our diet and the olives from the Olive Tree - Tree of Peace can be pressed or used sliced or whole in salads as store bought olives and olive oil.  Overall, they will fit in well in my 'Mary Garden'.-- Widescreen Online Review Plus



 I waited a week for  two 4" Pot of Chicago Edible Fig  trees and an a pair of  two Olive Tree - Tree of Peace - Olea europaea. Both are pictured below.

Chicago Edible Fig

Olive Tree - Tree of Peace - Olea europaea

Today, beside the fact the plants are in poor condition, what I received is something I have idea of what it is suppose to be, and is definitely not the plants I ordered.


These are neither Olive Tree - Tree of Peace - Olea europaea,  nor Chicago Edible Fig trees.



These were delivered by FedEx, however, this is not the original FedEx label and it just a plain sheet of sheet of paper that someone printed the information on. 

Like I stated above, I have waited a week for the that plants I ordered, and these are not them. Now I must contact the seller and FedEx to get things made right.