Thursday, March 14, 2024

Beware of Misuse of Unneeded Programs and Hackers

Back in February, our network was hacked and several files containing personal information were stolen. Luckily, I had all our files backed up. Actually, the problem started back in October 2023 when someone attempted to gain access to one of our online accounts. The account was frozen until we proved the account was ours.

Nevertheless, I took additional precautions by reporting this most recent incident to the police department and our internet provider. I then changed our network, restored the missing files, changed all the login information on the computers and online accounts, upgraded our computers security, and informed businesses where we frequent on and off line of what was happening. After all this we thought that the matter was over. History…. Gone!

We were wrong. Last Friday I discovered that it might not be over when I found that the new network that I created had been hacked and some of the configurations changed. I surmised that among the files the hacker had gotten was our modem login information; so any changes that I made, the hacker just went back in and changed the configuration again. Therefore, I ended up creating another network and resetting all the computers and other devices in the house.

After doing a thorough search on my husband’s computer, I discovered the problem stemmed from an app in the "Programs and Features" section of the "Control Panel” and was called, “Remote Desktop Connection”.  This seemingly innocuous little program was downloaded to our network via a Microsoft update back in February, which is when our hacking problems began in earnest. After removing the program from my husband’s computer, he reminded me that he did tell me last month that he activated it by accident. Back then, I did not understand what he was talking about, so I ignored it), I tell you now, do not ignore this” Remote Desktop Connection” as I did. It had not been shut off, so the hacker walked right in.

 If you find this “Remote Desktop Connection” program on your computer and you do not have a need for it “DO NOT ACTIVATE IT”. However, to avoid mishaps, such as what we just experience, uninstall it, as well as all other unused programs; such as Outlook, One Drive, and One Note. These programs if not removed or deactivated can open up access to your network and your computer.  Be sure to turn off all share apps and guest apps if you have no need of them as well.

After resetting all the computers back to their factory settings, I shut them down. The next day, we found the program on all of our computers and surmised that it came with a cloud update for windows when I reset.  Therefore, I removed it from all the computers and created another network as a precaution.

Because this “Remote Desktop Connection” program is installed automatically within one of the windows updates be watchful, and remove it if not needed. We do not need it and my husband learned the hard way about installing and activating a program that pops up or out of curiosity.

As for the hacker and given the local range of our network I believe he/she is nearby us.

This is very important; once the hackers enter your computer via the “Remote Desktop Connection” program and bypassing your security programs they can do you harm in many ways.

Why is Remote Desktop Connection installed?
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection is a standard feature in Windows and is not something that you typically need to download separately. This feature is integrated into Windows and is used for remote access to other computers.Oct 11, 2023

Uninstall and reinstall Remote Desktop Connection


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